What is BYOD?

Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to a technology model or policy where students and staff bring a personally-owned device to school for the purpose of learning.
BYOD is becoming more and more common in New Zealand institutions and most schools will now encourage – if not insist – that students have a portable device (usually a tablet or netbook) available both at school and at home.
Here at Schooled Up IT we are Google Chromebook partners and we believe that the Chromebook is the best solution for most schools.
What is a Chromebook?
A Chromebook is a small laptop computer running Chrome OS, a Google operating system where virtually everything is built in or ready-configured – cloud storage, Google Apps for Education and security.
Chromebooks are made by a range of manufacturers including Acer, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung and Toshiba. Most are a lot cheaper than the Apple iPad which is their major selling point, along with being fast, portable, easy-to-use, and with a long battery life. Also, unlike a tablet such as the iPad, the Chromebook looks like a conventional laptop and includes a full sized keyboard.
The low cost of a Chromebook compared to the more high profile devices is a real consideration for schools and the Chrome browser is one of the most secure browsers in use.
How we can help.
Schooled Up IT provides a BYOD advisory service to schools, students and parents. We also supply Chromebooks at competitive prices.
Contact us for more information about how we can help transition your school to a trued BYOD environment.